Thank you CreditRepair.com for sponsoring this post. CreditRepair.com’s team understands that a credit score is not just a number; it’s a lifestyle.
The holiday season upon us, and it’s no secret that we all tend to spend more during the holidays. This not only has an impact on your wallet, but also your credit! But fear not – your credit score is not set in stone! I truly believe that a credit score is more than just a number; it’s a lifestyle! While my credit score has seen many highs and lows over the last few years, it is always on my mind. As I continue to grow my business, staying on top of my credit is one of my main priorities. Are you looking to repair your credit score? Continue reading to see how CreditRepair.com can help!

How many of you have felt like my friend above when looking at your credit report? Been there, done that! Understanding your credit and taking action can be no easy task without the right tools! Let the professionals at CreditRepair.com help! So what is credit repair? Credit repair is the process of identifying and addressing unfair, inaccurate or unverified negative items on a consumer’s credit report. CreditRepair.com can help with collections, late payments, liens, bankruptcies, and more. Millions of Americans have inaccurate or unfair negative items wrongfully hurting their credit score.
About CreditRepair.com
CreditRepair.com is a leading provider of credit report repair services in the United States! CreditRepair.com’s team of professional credit advisers educate and empower people like us to achieve the credit scores we deserve. CreditRepair.com’s technology provides members a personal online dashboard, credit score tracker and analysis, creditor and bureau interactions, text and email alerts, mobile apps and credit monitoring. Members also get identity theft insurance up to $1 Million and an inquiry assist tool to challenge hard inquiries on their reports. Past clients of CreditReport.com have seen an average score increase of 40 points in just four months. (* Not all clients saw such a result as all legal cases are different. You should not expect to see the same result and it is not guaranteed. )
Credit Goals for 2020
In 2020, I plan to take my credit goals to the next level! Below are a list of goals I have set to keep my credit repair on track!
- Set & Stick To A Budget! – Frugal February here I come!
- Build Up A Savings Account – for life’s unexpected moments.
- Build Credit, Not Debt! – Pay, Pay, Pay instead of Spend, Spend, Spend!
Truth be told, none of the above have ever been my strong suit. Your girl loves to shop, so Budget and Saving aren’t exactly frequently used words in my vocabulary. However, one of my main goals in 2020 is to be able to reduce my hours to part time, in order to focus more on building my side hustle. In order to do this, responsibly, I am really going to have to stick to these goals. Better credit. Better life!

Have you set your goals for 2020? Are you ready to take on your credit repair like a boss? Your credit won’t fix itself. Get help from CreditRepair.com today with a free consultation and kick start your credit repair efforts! For more details on CreditRepair.com, please visit www.CreditRepair.com.