Better Late Than Never

If you are just stumbling across this post, the last of my four-part building process extravaganza, you may want to start here to catch up!

My last post left off with us moving into our new house – without running water. Luckily, my Grandma just lives right down the road so we could visit her often for showers and restroom breaks. It was 3 long days before the water was flowing, but I don’t regret moving in one bit.

The water was just one of many things that still were not finished. We had only one bathroom plumbed, tons of trim work that needed done, no laundry room flooring, light fixtures that still needed hung, no outside water or electric hookups, and no front porch or sidewalk outside to name a few. My kids loved the berm dust “sandbox” that was our front porch.

Even with contractors working all around us as we tried to move in and get situated, there was still such a calming relief that came with finally being in our new home. There was still a long road ahead, but the majority was completed, and the end was in sight. We were the most excited for our first Christmas. I mean look how cute these babies are.

Once Christmas was over, for the next few months we worked on little projects here and there. But, we were burnt out. When the nice weather returned (its Ohio so lets be real, were talking mid May), our motivation followed. We finally had our concrete poured, got some lights put up outside, laid about 20 bags of grass seed, and put in some flower beds.

To some this house may not be much, but to us it is everything. We put so much blood, sweat, and tears into making this our dream home and every minute of it was totally worth it. We have lived there for about a year and half now, and continue to do projects and little improvements along the way. We have so much pride in this house, and love being able to say “oh, we did that” or “I made that!”. One thing I can say for sure is – I WILL NEVER BUILD A HOUSE AGAIN.

Thank you for following along for our story. Below are some photos of when we first moved. Things have changed so much since then.

Coming Up… 5 Things I Wish I Knew When Building A House

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